The Féodale from La Roche 2017-02-07T13:03:25+00:00

The Féodale

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Dany the cartoonist

The meeting

Late June 2010, Dany exhibited his drawings of “Châteaux de Wallonie” in feudal castle of La Roche.
To mark the opening of the exhibition, and with the complicity of La Roche Initiative union, Dany tasted the “Féodale” iand like it for its lightness and freshness.

Claude discusses with him the possibility of designing two drawings for the labels of his Féodale from La Roche: one for the blond (fomerly amber) and the other for the dark one.
Dany shows interest in the project which highlights the famous legend of Countess Berthe and the Black Knight that he finds exciting.

The labels


Some pictures

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